Friday, January 11, 2008

Pariah Morning

Jarrid got up the following morning feeling less than fully rested. He was not sore, and thankful for that... but he had other worries on his mind. He loathed having 'guests' on his boat whose intentions he couldn't read entirely. It was a situation he would have to remedy one way or another.

He sat up on his mattress and took a minute to center himself.

He was up early, so he took care to be quiet as he gathered his necessary belongings for the day. Actually, he always took care to be quiet in the morning. As he slipped out the door and slowly down the hall, he paused at the first guest room, which is surely where Ralgo would have sent the woman. He held in his breath for a short count and couldn't hear her stirring yet. To be fair, she probably needed the rest badly.

He relaxed a little and walked into the Tavern. The morning's early light was starting to creep in through the unwilling window he'd recently acquired. He could smell the fresh air and dew, but there were no other signs of interesting occurrences since he took his leave. Ralgo usually wouldn't be up for another half an hour or so, so Jarrid walked the rest of the ship and took a mental inventory. Wasn't much he was needing... other than a door, that is.

To his surprise, Ralgo was actually wiping down the counter when Jarrid came around.

"Ah! Ralgo! I'm going to go ahead and make my way to the town and gather up some more lumber to fix our door. I think we've got about half what we'll need in the spare room in back. When you're done setting up for the day, do you think you could round it up and start to bring it together? You should be able to get that done before I get back, I think. Also, make sure and pay close attention to Akire when she comes out. I'm still not sure of her."

Ralgo looked at Jarrid. "She's gone. Finished her drink, glared at me and left through the... door. It's for the best, of course. We knew nothing of her other than her prowess when it comes to throwing men, and that we can't trust anyone while there's a price on your head."

Jarrid grabbed his cloak and headed for the door. "You're right of course. Stranger people have probably come through without instance before. Lets get what we need and get going. I'll be back this afternoon."


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