Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Intro to Shoridan

He awoke in the darkness but he did not stir. Anybody who could have observed him at all would have noticed nothing unless they could hear the sudden but slight increase in the rhythm of his heart. Something was wrong.

It was impossible for him to tell if there was any actual danger, or if he was over reacting to his stomach's disagreement with his late night meal. He laid there for a few more moments, concentrating; trying to discern if any immediate danger was in his room, or even if there was truly something wrong at all. He found that indeed, he could hear the rhythm of his heart. He slowly opened his eyes. At least, he was fairly sure he did. In the absolute pitch black of his dwellings, he couldn't tell any difference.

Moving swiftly and with the motion of someone who was accustomed to his surrounding as well as the lack of illumination, he abandoned his stillness for his cloak, and moved away from his dwelling to see if everything was as calm elsewhere.


Blogger Me said...


9:31 PM  
Blogger Gabe Thexton said...

Yes and Yes!

11:05 PM  

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